
The scale-up and institutionalisation of our human-digital playful parenting programmes will involve transformation at a systemic level. The GPI is committed to providing technical assistance to governments, NGOs, and the private sector to support the scale-up and institutionalisation of PLH human-digital programmes within existing delivery systems, including local adaptation for integration, training and capacity building, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of delivery. Sustained scale-up will also involve human interaction through trusting and equitable relationships to overcome barriers to systems transformation such as lack of capacity and knowledge to coordinate scale-up and sustain transformation.
The GPI aims to achieve this goal through a representative international capacity building working group with the key objectives of establishing a coordinating mechanism across capacity- building partners and developing and refining tools to support technical assistance and monitoring quality assurance (see our Innovate block).
Scale-Up and embedding efforts will be monitored and assessed in partnership with Management Systems International (MSI).
These efforts will be led by Parenting for Lifelong Health with the assistance of GISP and the MSI.