Tailored for Context
ParentText relies on a user-friendly Google Doc-based content authoring tool that allows implementers to tailor content for local contexts with considerations for language, culture, and priority user groups. Through a customised onboarding process, users receive tailored content related to their unique user profile and parenting goals. Married caregivers may receive learning modules on intimate partner violence while new mothers may receive an interactive assessment for childhood development milestones.
As users join ParentText, they choose how they’d like to receive content: as text and images or supported with audio or video files. Users chose, based on their available bandwidth and data support, a pathway unique to their digital maturity and literacy.
ParentText’s interactive, progress-based design allows users to self-direct their learning experience by choosing their parenting goals, when to receive new learning materials, and how to receive messages. Users engage with the ParentText curriculum each day through quizzes, home tasks, GIFs, comics, videos, and audio messages. ParentText’s on-demand troubleshooting support helps parents navigate tricky moments with their children with localised safeguarding features helping users access emergency services when needed. Goals are customised for each deployment of ParentText to meet the situational demands of each context.